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Cervical Mucus

Leukorrhea, normal vaginal discharge is comprised of fluid and bacteria from the cells located in the vagina. It aids in lubrication and the removal of bacteria from the vagina. Most women produce a little under a teaspoon, (4 milliliters) of white or clear discharge every day.

Prior to your period, discharge tends to be cloudy or white. This is due to the increase of the hormone, progesterone, and is involved in both the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. In other phases of the menstrual cycle, when the body has increased levels of estrogen, the vaginal discharge tends to be more clear and watery.

Throughout the menstrual cycle, there is a fluid or gel-like discharge called cervical mucus that changes in its amount and thickness due to the fluctuating of hormone levels, stimulating cervical glands to produce mucus. Cervical mucus can also help to predict ovulation if you’re trying to get pregnant  

Some changes to cervical mucus can include:

  • During your period, the blood will cover the mucus, causing you to most likely not notice it.
  • Immediately after your period, you could have dry days where you might not have or notice any discharge.
  • Prior to ovulation your body produces mucus before the release of an egg. It could be yellow, white, or cloudy and may feel like glue or stretchy in consistency.
  • Immediately before ovulation, your estrogen levels are rising, and you may see more mucus that is clear, stretchy, watery, and/or slippery in consistency similar to egg whites.
  • During ovulation the clear, stretchy mucus from ovulation will be present, making it protective of sperm due to it texture and pH. If you’re trying to conceive, you should have sex on ovulating days for this reason.
  • After ovulation will be less discharge and may turn thicker or cloudy again. Some women may experience dry days during this time.

If there is implantation (the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus), there will be changes to cervical mucus and may be a very early sign of pregnancy. Mucus tends to be thick, gummy, and clear in color after egg implantation. Some may experience implantation bleeding (spotting) and can occur 6 to 12 days after conception. It should end after 24 to 48 hours.